Annual Notice to the ISU Community about the ISU Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program


ISU is committed to eradicating the abuse of alcohol and drugs in our campus community and has developed a Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program as required by federal law. 学生事务副主席, with support from the 人力资源厅 and 大学警察, is responsible for the overall implementation and assessment of ISU’s efforts. ISU provides annual notice of the components of the ISU Prevention Program to ensure that ISU Community members are aware of ISU standards of conduct, 对违反校规的处罚, 毒品和酒精滥用的法律后果, 酒精和非法药物使用对健康的危害, 以及国际滑联预防和教育工作的总结.

ISU is committed to enforcement of ISU drug and alcohol-related policies and will ensure consistent enforcement of appropriate sanctions, 包括转介检控.

ISU’s most recent biennial review of its 2021-22 Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program is located here. The 2023-24 biennial review will be published in fall 2024 and will be posted on this webpage

ISU Policies and Sanctions for Illegal Alcohol and Drug Use

作为一个学术团体, Indiana State University is committed to providing an environment in which learning and scholarship can flourish. 持有或使用非法毒品, or the abuse of those which may otherwise be legally possessed, 严重影响了国际滑联校园环境, as well as the individual potential of our students and staff. The University enforces state laws and related University policies, including those prohibiting the following activities on campus:

向21岁以下的人提供酒精饮料, or possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages by individuals under 21.

Distribution, unlawful manufacturing, possession, or use of illegal drugs or controlled substances.

ISU strongly encourages students and staff members to voluntarily obtain assistance for dependency or abuse problem before such behavior results in an arrest and/or disciplinary referral, which might result in their separation from the institution.


ISU的无毒校园 禁止非法制造, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of controlled substances or alcohol in any part of the University or at any University activity. Legal use of alcohol may be permitted on campus only if approved by the University President or designee. 国际滑联也得到了发展 procedures for evaluation and resolution of suspected violations of this policy, which include workplace inspections and controlled substance and alcohol testing. A determination that the employee violated ISU policies will result in sanctions or disciplinary outcomes that may include a) required participation in an approved drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program, b) reprimand, c) suspension, D)终止雇佣关系.


学生使用酒精和其他药物, regardless of age and of location (on-campus or off-campus), 是被 application-pdf.png 学生行为准则. The use of, or addiction to, alcohol, marijuana, or controlled substances is not considered an excuse for violations of the Student Conduct Code and will not be a mitigating factor in the application of appropriate disciplinary sanctions for such violations. Student organizations are also subject to ISU drug and alcohol policies.

In May of 204, the ISU 校董会 approved a revised Student Code of Conduct. One of the primary sections modified was that related to Drug- and Alcohol-Related Behaviors. The purpose of the change was to provide more clarity to students by giving specific definition to prohibited behaviors. In addition, the new policy provides additional reporting information that will assist in addressing particular behaviors. 2014年的政策措辞如下.

Relevant Excerpts from the Student Code of Conduct (modified in 2014)

3.3.3药物相关行为 指的是毒品违法, including, 但并不局限于在场, 在…的影响下, possessing, manufacturing, exchanging, distributing, purchasing, using, or selling unlawful drugs or any controlled substance/narcotic, such as, 但不限于, marijuana, 合成大麻类, 吸入剂和麻醉剂, misuse of over-the-counter drugs and/or prescription drugs, or possessing paraphernalia for drug related use on University premises.

  • 3.3.3a. 存在/未报告
  • 3.3.3b. 管有非法药物或受管制物质;
  • 3.3.3c. 持有毒品用具
  • 3.3.3d. 使用非法药物或受管制药物;
  • 3.3.3e. 购买非法药物或受管制药物;
  • 3.3.3f. 滥用非处方药或处方药;
  • 3.3.3g. 制造非法药物或受管制物质;
  • 3.3.3h. Distribution and/or sale and/or delivery of unlawful drug or controlled substance(s).
  • 3.3.3i. Reasonable suspicion of unlawful drug use (odor); and/or
  • 3.3.3j. Behavior while 在…的影响下 any item covered under this section.

3.3.4酒精相关行为 refers to any violation of the University Alcoholic Beverage Policy:

  • 3.3.4a. Sale, purchase, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages by persons who are younger than 21 years of age;
  • 3.3.4b. Sale, purchase, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages by persons of legal age in a manner inconsistent with University policy;
  • 3.3.4c. Furnishing alcoholic beverages to persons younger than 21 years of age; and/or
  • 3.3.4d. Behavior while 在…的影响下 an alcoholic beverage.
  • 造型的结果:与大学伙伴的对话, 与大学教务长会面, 写作业, 道歉信, 大厅/地板项目, and Workshops
  • 推荐的结果: Alcohol Education, Drug/Substance Education, Voluntary Counseling, and Psychological Assessment
  • 行政的结果进行讨论, 行为警告(不超过两次), 住房搬迁, 校内住宿见习, 及帐户持有
  • 失去特权的结果:失去课外活动的特权, 与校园宿舍分隔, 禁止进入校园的某个区域, 侵占大学财产, 及禁止联络令


进行试用 is defined as a specified period of observation and evaluation of a student’s conduct. Any violation of University or residence hall policy committed by a student on 进行试用 is a serious violation and may result in separation from the University. Failure to complete discretionary sanctions while on 进行试用 may result in separation from the University. No more than one 进行试用 status shall be imposed on a student prior to the student being removed from the University community. 当一个学生在品行察看期间, he/she is not in good conduct standing with the University, 可能不被允许担任民选公职, 亦不得以官方身份代表大学.

暂时分离(暂停) involves removal of the student from the University for a definite period of time (minimum of one semester), 之后学生才有资格返回, 并在一个人的成绩单上留下永久的记号. 可以规定重新入学的条件.

永久分离(驱逐) 指将该学生开除出大学. 如果被分配永久离职, a student at no time will be permitted to reenroll in classes at Indiana State University, 一个人的成绩单上会有一个永久的记号.

紧急行动 - the University has identified two types of 紧急行动: Emergency Housing Separation and Emergency University Separation.

Parents/guardians of students whose use of alcohol or drugs results in harm or the threat of harm to themselves or others, or to property, 不管事故发生在哪里, 会收到通知. When there is reason to believe that a student’s health and well-being are at risk or they have placed other members of the community at risk, the Dean of Students or his/her designee may contact the parents/guardians directly.

作为大学社区的一员, students are also subject to city ordinances and to state and federal law. Arrest and prosecution for alleged violations of criminal law or city ordinances may result from the same incident for which the University imposes disciplinary sanctions.


Indiana law provides a range of criminal penalties for operating a vehicle while intoxicated, 公共中毒, 未成年人拥有酒精. In addition, Indiana law prohibits knowingly or intentionally possesses, manufactures, 为制造提供资金, delivers, 或者资助某些药物的运送. 联邦法律禁止贩毒. 更多信息请见附件 information on the latest legal sanctions for alcohol and drug use

Other Names
依赖性的潜力 风险及影响
Physical Psychological Short-Term Long-term Overdose
  • 判断力和视力受损
  • 降低了禁忌
  • 丧失运动技能和协调能力
  • Slurred speech
  • 心血管病
  • Hypertension
  • Liver damage
  • 神经系统损害
  • Toxic psychosis
  • Coma
  • Possible death
  • Confusion
  • Euphoria
  • 平衡和协调能力受损
  • Memory loss
  • 反应时间变慢
  • Slowed thinking
  • 心血管损害
  • 频繁的呼吸道感染
  • 受损的学习
  • Impaired memory
  • 心率加快
  • 耐受性和成瘾性
  • Insomnia
  • Hyperactivity
  • Panic attack
  • Paranoia
  • 与其他化学品混合可能发生毒性反应
  • Confusion
  • Fatigue
  • 幸福的感觉,烦躁
  • 降低血压
  • 降低了禁忌
  • 注意力不集中
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Sedation
  • 脉搏和呼吸减慢
  • Slurred speech
  • Anxiety
  • Dizziness
  • Hallucinations
  • Insomnia
  • 周边视力丧失
  • Nausea
  • Seizures
  • 微弱、快速的脉搏
  • Toxic psychosis
  • Tremors
  • Blackouts
  • 皮肤冰冷潮湿
  • Coma
  • 危及生命的戒断
  • Possible death
  • 呼吸抑制和骤停
  • 与酒精混合会产生毒性反应
Low / Unknown
  • 知觉bc菠菜导航改变
  • 体温,心率,血压升高
  • 食欲不振
  • Nausea
  • Numbness
  • Sleeplessness
  • Tremors
  • Weakness
  • 致幻剂持续知觉障碍(闪回)
  • 加重现有精神病
  • 暴力行为
  • 强烈而持久的幻觉
  • 可能的猝死
  • Psychosis
  • 受损的判断
  • Headache
  • 恶心、呕吐
  • 缺乏协调
  • Slurred speech
  • Cardiovascular and nervous system damage, leading to inability to walk, talk, or think
  • Cramps
  • Depression
  • 肌肉张力丧失
  • 记忆障碍
  • 轻微的撤军
  • 肌肉萎缩和虚弱
  • Weight loss
  • Coma
  • 可能的猝死
  • 可能的毒性反应
  • 无意识
  • Confusion
  • Constipation
  • Drowsiness
  • Euphoria
  • Nausea
  • Pain relief
  • Sedation
  • Staggering gait
  • 爱滋病及肝炎感染
  • Malnutrition
  • Clammy skin
  • Coma
  • Convulsions
  • Death
  • 呼吸停止
  • 浅汗液
  • 宽容,上瘾
  • 与酒精混合会产生毒性反应
  • Appetite loss
  • 兴奋和兴奋
  • 幸福的感觉
  • 警觉性增强,血压和脉搏加快
  • Insomnia
  • Insomnia
  • 神经系统损伤
  • 器官/组织损伤
  • Paranoia
  • Psychosis
  • Weight loss
  • Possible death
  • Agitation
  • Convulsions
  • Hallucinations
  • 心脏病发作、中风
  • 高血压
  • 失去知觉
  • Seizures
  • 温度升高
  • Bad Breath
  • 嘴里的味道不好
  • 肺活量减少
  • 血压升高
  • 心率加快
  • 不良妊娠结局
  • 心血管病
  • Cancer
  • Possible death


  • Alcohol and other drug use during pregnancy increases risk of physical harm to fetus.
  • Additional risks of harm may occur from toxic impurities present in street drugs.
  • Additional risks of harm may occur from the use of prescription drugs in ways other than prescribed.
  • Drugs taken by injection can increase the risk of infection (e.g.艾滋病毒、肝炎等.)通过针头污染.





Short-term alcohol and drug counseling is available on campus to students through the ISU学生咨询中心 (812) 237-3939. Students may be referred through the 学生辅导中心 to other treatment programs for more intensive treatment.  在特雷霍特社区内, the following substance abuse counseling agencies exist: Hamilton Center-(812) 231-8200, Indiana Association of Prevention Professionals- (812) 232-5190, 苏打水俱乐部(812)232-2631. 这些机构提供各种各样的服务, 其中可能包括:入学/评估, 社会环境戒毒, 密集住宿计划, 化学品依赖计划, 青少年和成人门诊服务. Interested individuals are encouraged to contact each agency for additional information regarding specific services and costs.


Through the ISU学生咨询中心 (SCC),电话:(812)237-3939 促进学生健康 at Phone: (812) 237- 3258,  and other departments and offices here at Indiana State University. SCC提供评估, education and treatment services for ISU students who are having difficulties with substance abuse issues, i.e.如酒精、毒品、处方药等.,影响他们的大学生活.

For students seeking services for alcohol or drug concerns, the SCC provides short-term individual counseling as well as brief groups for these concerns. All students must undergo an initial appointment with a counselor to determine the level of risk and current usage. 基于第一次任命的结果, students are referred to either the alcohol or marijuana psycho-education groups or to individual counseling. The groups are a total of 3 hours and take place over a 3-week period. 

At times, students may be referred for more formal drug and alcohol evaluations to satisfy requirements for Student Judicial, the courts, 或者另一个参考实体. The SCC uses a structured assessment to determine the student’s current and future level of risk. Please note that there is an additional cost for these assessments as they do not fall under the normal counseling fee.

As with many other universities, drug use at ISU is an ever-growing concern. As with alcohol, the SCC provides both assessment and brief treatment to ISU students who are deemed appropriate for our services. Individuals needing more intensive treatment are referred to appropriate programs within the community.

除了评估和简短的治疗, the SCC and 促进学生健康 also offer consultations to the campus community regarding those with substance use concerns as well as a range of outreach programming focused on alcohol and drug use. Examples of outreach services provided include presentations, displays, 信息表, 和其他要求的活动. Individual, group and community educational programs and interventions designed to prevent and reduce alcohol and other drug use/abuse are offered to the ISU Community.

为寻求酒精或药物滥用服务的雇员, programs will be available through the 员工援助计划 to evaluate and inform employees about: University policies pertaining to a drug-free workplace. Services and assistance are provided confidentially by the 员工援助计划

Contact the 人力资源厅 by phone at 812-237-4117 or online.

ISU学生咨询中心 电话:(812)237-3939 
促进学生健康 电话:(812)237-3258
UAP诊所- isu保健中心 电话:(812)237-3883
学生行为和诚信办公室 电话:(812)237-3800
bc菠菜导航警察局 电话:紧急- 911
学生事务副主席 电话:(812)237-3888 
员工援助计划 电话:(812)237-4117
汉密尔顿中心公司. 电话:(812)231-8200或1-800-742-0787
Union Hospital 电话:(812)238-7000
特雷霍特地区医院 电话:(812)232-0021
特雷霍特市警察局-紧急情况 Phone: 911
特雷霍特警察局:非紧急情况 电话:(812)238-1661
维戈县警长办公室:紧急情况 Phone: 911
维戈县治安官办公室-非紧急情况 电话:(812)462-3226

In accordance with Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, no individual shall be discriminated against on the basis of disability in the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, 或住宿的大学. Further, 任何合格的残疾人不得, 由于这种残疾, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of the University or be subjected to discrimination by the University.